An Illustrated Handbook of Machine Knitting by Janet Nabney

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<a href=An Illustrated Handbook of Machine Knitting By Janet Nabney" />

A step-by-step guide to machine knitting for both the beginner and the professional. The book develops from the initial buying of the machine, through a comparison of the way different machines operate to a catalogue of various finishes that complement the basic skills.

An Illustrated Handbook of Machine Knitting Summary

An Illustrated Handbook of Machine Knitting by Janet Nabney

Many people enjoy the speed and ease of machine knitting, but cannot fully explore the possibilities of the craft because they lack technical expertise. This book explains in detail how the knitting machine works and what it can do. The book develops from the initial buying of the machine, through a comparison of the way different machines operate, to a catalogue of various finishes and effects that complement the basic skills. Problems and solutions are explored and the final section on pattern drafting and design helps readers to create their own fashions and adapt ideas from different sources. This is a handbook which should be of use to both the beginner and the professional.

Table of Contents

How the knitting machine works; how the patterning works; pattern possibilities; manual techniques; problems and solutions; compendium of techniques and tips; design possibilities. Appendix: foreign knitting magazines; British knitting magazines; yarn suppliers; comparative setting for pattern knitting; freemove setting for different machines.